Guided by Elders

We honour the diversity of traditions, cultures, strengths, and gifts of one another.

We take care to ensure the spiritual, and emotional, wellness of people we work with, and work for, are nurtured.

Dena Carroll


Diana Elliott


Lee Brown


Neegani Penasee, Don Campbell


Philip and Betty Gladue


Sulksun, Shane Pointe


Nutsamaht: One Heart One Mind

The Elder’s Advisory Circle chose the metaphor of a canoe to guide their work together. The canoe is named, Nutsamaht, meaning they will work together and operate with one heart and one mind. The canoe symbolizes the journey they will take as a circle and that by being a member of the circle and sitting in the canoe each of them acknowledges their important contributions to the work that is to be done. The Circle will consist of a seven members a balance of Grandmothers and Grandfathers who represent varied personal and professional experiences, as well will strive to ensure First Nations, Métis and Inuit voices are part of the circle. The Circle will come together when required by Aboriginal Head Start Association of BC to inform decisions, guide process and be of support to the organization. 

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