Hosted by the Tahltan Band, Keda Yaze Kime is on Tahltan territory, in Dease Lake. Providing a safe, secure and caring environment that supports the child’s needs, physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs. And providing our culture beliefs of best practice, respecting each other, land and environment, showing how to care for ourselves and those around us.
Our families are all Tahltan Nation, and happy to attend our luncheons, group outings to community and cultural events.
We greet in our Tahltan language, we have pictures displayed on our walls of gathering fish, traditional sewing. Tahltan language label appears throughout the space, and Tahltan designs on sewing fabrics.
Elders and Cultural Teachers visit to provide language, storytelling, and on the land practices, sharing what it looks like to harvest traditional food. We are grateful to have moose, fish and berries available.
We are privileged to have access to great outdoors of trees, wilderness environments. Culture infuses the structure of our building and space.