Talking Little Feet is hosted by Circle of Indigenous Nations Society in Grand Forks– on the shared territory including sylix/Okanagan, Ktuxna and Sinixt.
Our program is committed to building relations with our families, sharing culture, traditions and celebrating each child’s Indigenous ancestry. We are a family centred AHS and children are at the centre of the program.
Our families are Metis, First Nations, Ojibway– we celebrate all of the family’s ancestry in our program. Our staff have learned how to speak languages and greet families in their traditional languages. We love hosting our monthly family lunches!
Languages shared in the program include Ojibway, Michif and Cree. Our culture is inclusive to all families! We invite families to join us for daily drumming, we encourage families to share their gifts and teachings. We start our day off with a smudge for all families to take part as they drop off their children.
Elders participate 3x a week at our centre offering many cultural teachings such as drum etiquette, teaching songs, plant identification, salve recipes and holding space for families and staff and so much more. We are very fortunate to have an Elder involved in our program and community and to receive the many teachings provided.
Our Parent Advisory is a collective group of parents finding creative ways to contribute to our program.